seo strategies

seo strategies

Are you about to open an e-commerce store? Or maybe you already have it, but it amasses low traffic? Do you know how to improve your position? Do you have a plan? Nothing happens overnight. SEO is a long-term process. It takes around four months for changes that we could apply to affect your Google Ratings. A huge part of SEO is patience and planning.

Worry not - we’ve got you covered! 



SEO is way more than just having well-written on-page content and some high-quality links. There are a couple of hundred factors that Google takes into account while ranking your page. If we add regular updates and new algorithms, it’s many issues to have in mind. Most people don’t have enough free time to learn it. They have better things to do!


We are not the “most people.” And your website is like a raid to kill the newest boss to us. We need to take care of mechanics, positioning, DPS, healing, and many other little things. Take one away, and the team might fail. The same goes for your website - Written Content, Loading Speed, the Design, Headlines, Call to Action - if any of those fail to function, it will not convert well. In times of stiff competition and a constant battle for every customer, mistakes are not an option!



As already mentioned, we know all factors and small things that influence your website’s position in Google; most importantly, we are experts in our field of expertise – gaming. We know your needs, and we understand how to meet them. We investigate every one of them during our analysis, seeing whether it’s a cause of your issue or not. Also, we provide you with a solution for each case.


When the initial audit is not enough, we guarantee you a thorough, in-depth plan for the future: Quality Content, Publishing Guidelines, a list of Do’s and Don’ts, and most importantly - Keywords Research. To put it into perspective -  we are not Killing One Boss here. We are building a whole Leveling Strategy for your Character (website) so that you can take on any boss to come. We offer you a deep analysis and keywords list that create a conversion, not just sheer traffic.


But there’s more - with our SEO strategy, you have a guaranteed traffic and conversion increase, but you are learning new things that you will use in the future.



We have worked with many clients that increased their visibility considerably, multiplying their income, thanks to us. Nothing speaks louder than our clients’ results: we have countless pages ranking in the top 10 in SERP, both built from scratch and updated from existing ones.



Creating and implementing an SEO campaign takes much time, and we are well aware of it. We will stay with you as long as it’s required, instead of walking away after a week, as some companies do.


You can ask us anything anytime. After all, it’s your business. We’re just helping you out. In SEO, reputation is the King for both our Clients and Us. And the fact that our clients often turn into repetitive says a lot about our effectiveness and capabilities.


Let's talk now!