An NFT whitepaper can be a useful tool to present the uses and functionality of the product. Since NFTs and token sales are a whole new universe, it is natural that people don’t understand the process and how it works.
This created the need for a solution to explain the NFT services and what they are. Whether it’s an NFT project or a website, these documents can help enhance the project’s understanding and elucidate the audience about the Non-Fungible Token purposes.
What Is a White Paper
A white paper is a document used by organizations and companies to explain a product or service, with the option of being both computer and physical versions. These docs emphasize the main points of these products or services, highlighting the information that the users should pay special attention to.
These white papers typically feature persuasive language and are very clear and objective, guaranteeing that anybody who reads it can understand their content. They can be used for multiple purposes, like legislation explanation, project launches, or NFT projects for example.
Types of White Paper

Different types of whitepapers can be used for your business or project, like the ICO Whitepaper for example. Knowing the particularities of each one is a fundamental part of the process of choosing which one to use. With this in mind, here are the main types of whitepaper available, each one with its characteristics and purposes.
Educational Whitepaper
The name is already self-explanatory. The point of this type of white paper is to educate the readers about something they did not know before. This type of white paper is also commonly referred to as a guide.
The elements presented in these infographics normally follow a specific structure. Phrases like “how to” and “the right way” are great examples of what you may find in these documents.
Market Research Whitepaper
It can have two different purposes. The first is to educate the readers about your research and demonstrate your thought process. The second is to announce news about the research itself and promote it.
In this marketing whitepaper, you will probably find lots of information and data but, most importantly, an analysis of the research itself and the data presented. These whitepapers are normally more extensive and dense than the others.

Technical Whitepaper
This is one of the most common white papers you can find when searching for products, especially new technologies. It is normally written by the project team and its main objective is to tell the reader how a specific product works.
It also makes a deep analysis of its features, enhancing the user’s knowledge about the tools available. It is a great idea to include images, but make sure to choose the right ones to avoid ambiguous interpretations.
Problem-Solving Whitepaper
The main objective of these whitepapers is to solve their readers’ problems. The bigger the problem being solved, the larger the audience.
These infographics usually present new ideas of problem-solving, showing new methods that people usually don’t use or don’t know.
Why Use NFT Whitepapers

With new technologies emerging every single day, it’s expected that people need help understanding how they work and what they do. With NFTs it’s no different, as there is a huge path from learning how they work to become potential contributors to an NFT project or research.
This is why a white paper can become a game changer in this industry. Having these docs to help people understand what these NFTs do can incentivize people to do more research about it and insert themselves into the industry.
NFT Whitepaper X Crypto Whitepaper
Although people might think they are the same thing, they have pretty different purposes and styles of structure and elements. Using the correct one for your business plan is fundamental to achieving your expectations.
Having the right whitepaper can be a decisive factor in finding potential contributors for your project. With this in mind, here are the main differences between these two types of white paper.
NFT Whitepaper

NFT whitepapers are normally shorter than crypto ones and usually focus more on what is an NFT and how an NFT collection works. Moreover, it is normally less mathematical and more focused on diagrams and graphic elements.
These elements create a consistent style and identity among the white papers, making it the easiest way to understand the NFT world and its ideas.
Crypto Whitepaper

The crypto whitepaper is usually way longer than the NFT whitepaper, with more mathematical information and focus on money. It also explains many details about the project and its ideas but brings up its business and marketing points.
Their graphics normally try to explain complex algorithms, with fewer elements destined for designers and the NFT audience in general. These infographics have a clear objective in their communication, bringing ideas and examples that normally are not destined for the NFT public.
NFT White Paper Example
Here are some examples of whitepapers for you to get inspiration when doing your next NFT project. When checking a document, it’s a good practice to take note of the main points that caught your attention when reading the article. From word choice to the main idea of the white paper, everything counts.
Mutant Punks White Paper

Check the Mutant Punks NFT white paper
The Sandbox White Paper

Check The Sandbox’s white paper
NFTs Engaging Today’s Fans in Crypto and Commerce – Visa White Paper

Characteristics of a Well-Written NFT Whitepaper
No matter if you are creating the white paper to promote an NFT collection or for any other purpose, some characteristics will make your whitepaper look better, giving more quality and making it more pleasant to the reader’s eyes.
One of the most important characteristics of a well-done white paper is the quality of the design. It implicates almost all elements of your NFT document.
This is where you decide the elements you’ll insert on the white paper, from the white space size, to the presence of videos. The point here is to think of the purpose of your white paper. After that, you can decide which graphics and elements will add value to your doc.
No matter if it’s through your website or any other business platform, choosing the right words and how to redact the paper can be a game changer. It can be an article style, video compilation, or just illustrative elements. The most important part is to understand your audience and create a communication that works best with it.
Competition Analysis
This may not work for every white paper but it is a great point to pay attention to, especially for NFT and crypto ones. Analyzing the market and reuniting details about your competitors can help you decide what to write on the white paper.
It may be hard to identify what is more important to write when creating your paper, but once you understand what to look for, it gets way easier. Looking at your competitors’ writing and graphs can give you a hint on what to write about and come up with a solution for it.
Ready to Write Your NFT White Paper?

No matter if you are making an NFT collection or a game on the blockchain, having a white paper is always a good idea for your project. Be sure to select the right features to include in it. Whether it’s corporate photo shoot of the team or website address, everything has its purpose, and knowing what is suitable for your project and good for both you and the users is a major step of the writing duty.
Now it is time to start writing your whitepaper and bring even more clients for your businesses. Don’t forget to filter what is important and brings value to your doc.
From NFTs to crypto investment, everything has its right time and purpose. Make sure to understand them to make your writing even easier.

SEO enthusiast and digital marketing strategist. My expertise lies in optimizing websites for organic traffic growth and search engine visibility. I carry out, among others, SEO tests, keyword research and analytical activities using Google Analytics. Privately, he is a lover of mountains and bicycle trips.