10 Gamers Types and Bartle Player Taxonomy

In the gaming industry, understanding the landscape of gamer types is crucial for developers aiming to craft experiences that resonate with a broad audience. At the heart of this endeavor lies the concept of gamification.

But what is gamification exactly? It’s a strategy that employs game mechanics to engage users and influence behavior. As more people play games these days, we see their different gaming habits and preferences, showing us the different types of gamers out there.

The variety is vast, from those who dive into the virtual world for casual entertainment to dedicated ones who strive for competition. As a game developer, you can leverage this information to cater your game designs, narratives, and challenges to meet the expectations and desires of these varied groups.

By doing so, you not only enhance the gaming experience but also ensure a broader appeal, tapping into the unique motivations that drive each gamer to pick up the controller.

Gamer Types Hardcore Gamer

Hardcore gamer playing a shooter game

Let’s start by talking about hardcore gamers, who make up 39% of players worldwide and strongly prefer action games and first-person shooters. A hardcore gamer is someone who really gets into their games, and they’re the type who will spend hours playing and trying to get better and better.

They love challenges and often play games that are tough, like Dark Souls, Street Fighter and Counter-Strike. They enjoy playing against friends or opponents in multiplayer games, where they can show off their skills and usually get mad if they lose.

Hardcore gaming is more than just a hobby for them. They like to win and feel a great sense of achievement when they do because it is about having fun, proving themselves, and being the best they can be.

Whether trying to beat their own high scores, win against tough opponents, or just enjoy a multiplayer game with friends, hardcore gamers put a lot of time and effort into their gaming.

Casual Gamer

Casual gamer playing FIFA

Contrary to hardcore gamers, casual gamers are the type of players who enjoy gaming as a light hobby rather than a serious pursuit. They prefer casual games that are easy to pick up and play without requiring a huge time commitment. Titles like Animal Crossing, Mario Party, and Among Us are perfect for casual gamers because they offer a relaxed gaming experience without the pressure of competition.

These gamers find joy in playing video games that are more about having fun and less about achieving high scores or beating challenging levels. They appreciate games that fit into their lifestyle, allowing them to unwind and enjoy gaming without the intensity often associated with hardcore gaming.

63% of players worldwide are casual gamers, and for them, playing video games is a way to relax without the need to invest heavily in gaming equipment or spend countless hours mastering a game. They enjoy simplicity and make gaming a pleasant part of their daily routine.

Online Gamer

Online gamer playing League of Legends

Online gamers are those who love connecting with other players online. They enjoy both multiplayer games, where they can team up with friends, and player versus environment games, where they tackle game challenges together. This type of gamer thrives in highly competitive online games, often participating in leagues and striving for the top spot.

For online gamers, similar to hardcore gamers, the thrill of winning and improving their skills is a big part of the fun. They might spend hours in titles like World of Warcraft and League of Legends, exploring vast worlds and completing quests. These gamers value the social aspect of gaming, making new friends in the process and sometimes even forming long-lasting relationships.

Playing games online offers these gamers a sense of community and competition. They love the excitement of matching up against other players and the satisfaction that comes from a well-earned victory.

Pro Gamer

Esports proffesional gamer

This type of gamer is a combination of an online and hardcore gamer, but they take playing games to the next level, transforming their passion into a profession. These individuals thrive on the thrill of fierce competition, diving deep into online gaming, where fierce battles and high stakes are the norm.

As professional gamers, they dedicate countless hours to perfectionating their skills, always aiming to outperform their rivals and climb the ranks in tournaments.

A professional gamer doesn’t play just for fun, they’re in it for the glory and the potential financial rewards. Competing in various gaming tournaments around the world, they put their abilities to the test against some of the toughest opponents in the industry. 

Success in this arena requires talent, discipline, and strategic thinking. For pro gamers, every match is an opportunity to showcase their skills, make a name for themselves, and possibly secure lucrative sponsorships.

Console Gamer

A PlayStation 5, a Nintendo Switch, and a Xbox.

Console gamers are the ones who love the comfort and ease of playing popular games on systems like Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo. They find fun in the wide variety of games available, from action-packed adventures to relaxing simulations.

This gamer type isn’t that skilled with the mouse and keyboards, so they prefer using hand controllers. They also aim to master their favorite titles while enjoying the sense of community that comes with console gaming. Whether competing in online matches or sharing tips and tricks, console gamers cherish the camaraderie and shared experiences with friends and fellow enthusiasts.

For them, gaming is about having a good time in the cozy corner of their living room.

The Armchair General

A person playing strategy games

The Armchair General thrives on strategy and tactics. This gamer type enjoys playing popular games where they can command armies, build empires, and conquer worlds, just like the Total War series, Civilization, and Europa Universalis.

They appreciate the depth and complexity of these games, which require thoughtful planning and strategic decision-making. Like hardcore gamers, Armchair generals spend considerable time developing their gaming habits, often immersing themselves in the history and lore of the games they play.

Moreover, they relish the challenge of outsmarting opponents, whether AI or humans, and are very satisfied seeing their strategies lead to victory.


A gamer playing The Legend of Zelda

Storytellers are gamers who immerse themselves in the narratives of the games they play, often at their own pace. They are drawn to role-playing games and other popular titles that offer rich stories and expansive virtual worlds like Horizon Forbidden West, The Legenda of Zelda series, and The Last of Us.

For these gamers, gameplay is about more than just winning; it’s about experiencing the lore, interacting with characters, and completing quests that contribute to the overarching story. They appreciate games with a strong single-player appeal, where they can dive deep into the plot and explore every nook and cranny of the game’s universe.

These players love to lose themselves in the story, making choices that shape their journey and experiencing the consequences of their actions in a dynamic, interactive storytelling environment.


Two people watching a gamer playing video games

Observers are gamers who enjoy watching others playing mostly popular games, often participating in online communities and social networking platforms for gamers like Twitch. They might not always be actively playing themselves, but they’re deeply engaged in the gaming world.

These players love to discuss different categories of gameplay, strategies, and experiences within the game. Observers are a vital part of the gaming industry, offering insights and commentaries and contributing to the popularity of games through their active engagement.

While they may share similarities with casual gamers in terms of how frequently they play, observers are unique in their approach to gaming, preferring to watch, learn, and discuss rather than directly participate in the gameplay themselves.

Old-School or Retro Gamer

Several retro consoles

Old-school gamers are those who love to dive back into the games of the past, enjoying the classic game mechanics and simpler graphics of yesteryears. They prefer games that bring back memories and offer a nostalgic experience.

Retro gamers enjoy playing a variety of certain games from different eras, often on the original hardware or through emulation, being the most played Mario Bros and Tetris. The important thing for these gamers is the authentic experience, whether mastering old-school platformers or strategizing in vintage RPGs.

They’re also part of more than one type of gaming community, sharing their love for classic titles and discussing the intricacies of each game’s lore and gameplay.

Mobile Gamer

Someone playing Fornite on his smartphone

Mobile gamers prefer games that can be played on the go using their smartphones or tablets. They enjoy various genres, from complex strategy games like Clash Royale to puzzles like Candy Crush.

They also appreciate the convenience of playing whenever they have a spare moment, whether during a commute or waiting in line. Mobile gamers value games that are easy to pick up but can also offer depth. The most important thing for them is having fun and enjoying the gameplay experience, no matter where they are.

The mobile gaming market has grown significantly, offering numerous titles that cater to different interests and skill levels.

Bartle Player Taxonomy

Bartle's Taxonomy

Bartle Player Taxonomy is a concept in gamer psychology that categorizes players into four types of gamer persona based on their gaming preferences. This taxonomy, invented by Richard Bartle, helps developers understand the diverse motivations within the gaming world. It suggests that gamers can fall into multiple categories, offering a rich framework to analyze how players enjoy and interact with games.

The Bartle test, associated with this taxonomy, allows gamers to see which of the four types they align with, providing insight into their gaming behavior and preferences. Let’s see these four types of players.

Gamer Types- Achiever

Achievers are gamers who dive deep into game design, investing significant time to earn points, achievements, and rewards. They enjoy games that recognize their accomplishments, with about 10% of gamers in most communities identifying as Achievers.

Their primary motivation lies in rewards and mastery, seeking challenges that allow them to demonstrate their skills and commitment. While no player is purely one type, achievers typically have this persona as their dominant side, constantly striving for the next level of achievement in their gaming journey.


Killers, representing a small but impactful 1% of the gaming community, thrive on creating change and chaos within games.

They enjoy the competitive aspect of gaming, especially when it allows them to assert dominance over other players. This type finds pleasure in their direct influence on the gameplay experience of others, making them a potent force in multiplayer environments.

Although a negligible amount of the overall gaming population, killer’s motivation for gaming is rooted in their desire for control and disruption.


Socializers, who make up a whopping 80% of the average game community, prioritize the social aspect of gaming. They’re drawn to virtual communities for the social interaction and relationships they foster.

Gamers that support collaboration and connection are particularly appealing to socializers. Their gaming motivation is centered around connection, making them pivotal in any online gaming community.


Explorers account for about 10% of gamers, driven by a love for discovery and helping others within the game world. They invest hours in gameplay, enjoying the process of uncovering hidden secrets and learning the nuances of the game’s mechanics.

For explorers, the motivation lies in discovering and contributing to the gaming community by sharing their findings. Again, while no gamer is exclusively one taxonomy type, those who lean towards the explorer persona delight in the journey and knowledge gained through their explorations.

Marketing Mobile Games

Someone playing a shooter game on smartphone

Now that you know all types of gamers and are interested in developing a mobile game, it’s crucial to consider how to engage your audience effectively. Game designers need to tailor their game development and video game promotion strategies to cater to various games and player motivations across different genres.

Marketing mobile games requires a deep understanding of the gaming world and the diverse gamer personas. Engaging your target audience can be significantly enhanced by leveraging effective video game promotion ideas, such as utilizing social platforms like Discord, TikTok, and YouTube.

These platforms allow you to connect with gamers, showcase your game’s features, and build a community around your title. By aligning your marketing strategies with the preferences and motivations of your target gamer types, you can create more engaging and successful mobile games.

Types of Gamers – Conclusions

Exploring the different types of gamers reveals the vast diversity within the gaming world. From those who enjoy the lore of expansive video games to the competitive gamers seeking to top the leaderboards, playing video games caters to various interests and motivations. This variety is what makes the gaming industry so vibrant and continually evolving.

Remember that these player types are invaluable for game developers, especially when considering gaming in the future. It highlights the importance of creating games that can appeal to various gamers.

If you want to join the realm of video games and mobile gaming development, recognizing these distinctions will guide your marketing strategies. For more tailored advice on navigating the complexities of mobile game marketing, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at GamerSEO, where we can help you by giving you the insights and support needed to effectively promote your mobile game and connect with the right players.

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