Technical Writing vs UX Writing: Bridging the Gap

technical writing vs ux writing

Technical writing and UX writing are valuable complementary areas for improving products, user engagement, and experiences.  While technical writing focuses on communicating complex and technical information precisely and in detail, UX writing specializes in creating texts that improve the user experience with digital products, such as mobile apps and websites. The primary purpose of technical … Read more

12 UX Writing Principles You Should Leverage!

ux writing principles

UX writing is a critical aspect of web, app, and product design. It requires careful consideration to ensure the content meets specific conditions and characteristics for optimal performance. To achieve this, UX writers and designers should adhere to certain guiding principles. In the following sections, we outline the key UX writing principles that your next … Read more

UX Writer vs Content Strategist | Similarities and Differences

ux writer vs content strategist

All the content in apps, websites, or other digital products is produced by expert writers who work untiringly to capture the reader’s attention and provide crucial information about the functionality of those products and services. This content includes product descriptions, tutorials, internal messages, FAQs, tutorials, links, data, blog posts, etc., that must truly engage with … Read more

Mobile Gaming Industry Statistics for 2024 and Trends to Follow

mobile gaming industry statistics

The mobile gaming market is growing faster than any other in the industry, with more and more companies joining this space. Our mobile equipment is evolving so fast that we can already see AAA games being released for these devices, like Death Stranding and Assassin’s Creed Mirage, for example. There are endless opportunities for game … Read more

Social Media Success Stories to Inspire Your Next Campaign

socjal media success story

Social media channels are among the most popular avenues for brands and companies to connect with their target audience, whether they’re promoting products and services or sharing any type of message. These platforms offer marketers and business owners a range of formats and options to craft a personalized experience that aligns with their brand and … Read more