When you hear about video games, you think of game developers, creators, directors, millions of players, gameplay, etc. But video games are more than that. This industry involves public relations as well, an exciting part that has equal value.
PR professionals are a relevant part of the team inside any gaming studio. These experts are as creative as designers and developers in the games industry. They use creative thinking, abstract language and the right focuses on selling audiences immersive experiences and great games that respond to their needs.
Also, PR professionals are in charge of connecting game creators and the public or content creators.
At this point, what are the rules you should follow to enhance your connections and boost your game’s profile?
Today, we will talk about the relevance of video game PR for media relations and how to reach all your goals in the gaming industry. Here, you will learn:
- Aspects you mustn’t forget if you want to have a good PR;
- Which are the best PR agencies in the market.
PR in Gaming Industry

Most people think that public relations are about lobbying, press releases, participating in meetings, launching products, messaging, talking about production, money, and budget, and trying to sell something to random people or very important companies. This may sound like a boring job, but nothing could be further from the truth.
PR professionals are very proactive. Games PR is about managing and taking advantage of all resources you have – a drop of storytelling, a hint of creativity, a dash of sales, a bit of people management, and a lot of hard work.
The objectives of any PR of big or indie games are clear:
- Generate awareness for a client;
- Establish media relations with producers, publishers, and influencers who are interested in playing the product through a cohesive message;
- Create a good strategy to reach other possible partners.
Besides, PRs assist publishers to sell their games and put them in good positions. We speak about the following products, crisis prevention, communication roadmaps, and a whole lot of spreadsheets.
Furthermore, after reading all of the above, you may wonder, what is the difference between PR and marketing?
Right now, the line is blurred. PR professionals don’t just work with the press anymore. Nowadays, they can work with free influencers and communities, increasing engagement through a communication strategy that benefits both sides.
If you are unsure which strategies and differences are the best, below you can find some points you should consider when you enter the worlds of PR and marketing to do video game PR.
How to Do Video Game PR?

Source: prdaily.com
Doing good PR is some kind of art. PR is one thing that involves talent and enthusiasm. Next, you will find five handy tips to develop a PR campaign correctly.
Know Your Product, So Know Your Games!
To be good in PR, you first need to know your product in every possible form.
This is the basis of any marketing or PR strategy. Try to soak up every aspect of your gaming product. You can also ask the PR of your studio or small team to know every edge of the project. The same works if you are just a publisher.
It’s rather unprofessional if you can’t answer questions from every person or journalist due to your inexperience in the field or the product your brand is offering.
A piece of advice: if you don’t know anything about your game, only sales, journalists, and other professionals can lose interest quickly.
Show Your Creativity
PRs and designers need to develop their creativity to present an excellent project to both producers and communities.
Think of PR tactics that aren’t that obvious. Start a friendly discussion about favorite games of your life. Talk freely, try to connect, and establish close relationships with journalists, producers, communities, and general people interested in the gaming phenomenon.
Furthermore, your creative PR efforts can involve live-streaming the product or giving some demo to any content creator to show the game to the audience.
Share Your Values

Source: prdaily.com
Nowadays, customers do not only make decisions based on the quality of the product. Most of them are interested in the company’s story, offering a sustainable product and a different space than other brands.
On average, these types of features are easier to show in other kinds of products. Still, the video game industry can do its thing.
Is your video game studio interested in some particular cause?
Are you interested in raising awareness about climate change, social justice, or something similar?
You can share your values regarding these topics and others.
Selling a game is also about touching gamers’ hearts and minds. This way, users can feel a kind of connection with your business.
Human Touch

A big part of games PR is relationship and experience management.
Regardless of the technology involved in new consoles, Augmented and Virtual Reality, and the realistic PC titles that are launched every day, the human touch is still a strong point that helps people make decisions about purchasing your game.
Studios that are generally close to their gamers have better long-term results when it comes to engagement.
Most successful video games of today, such as Fornite or Fall Guys (at least in the last summer) are putting special attention to supporting, covering, and growing its community.
Try to approach your customers through a human touch perspective. Leverage social media, such as Facebook or Linkedin, forums, and communities to show your game directly to new gamers. Ask for opinions. Be open to suggestions and changes.
And please, do not forget to use Twitch, YouTube, or Instagram to get even closer to your customers and offer new products or giveaways.
Share & Don’t Fear Networking

Creating video games is a special practice that involves a delicate balance between keeping gamers informed and interested in your game and keeping secrets where they belong, in the darkness.
By simply sharing snippets of information in communities you have created, your gaming studio can emerge as a leader in this entertainment world and won’t be left out when something new happens.
Since a big part of success in gaming is sharing your game and videos about it, consulting, and getting valuable knowledge about trends, networking has become essential to discover this data directly from gamers.
For example, groups that talk about the latest news and trends in the gaming community can help determine whether a game will work or not.
You can participate in industry events and show your game to a new audience so that they test it. This way, you receive feedback that tells you if your game needs improvements or is ready to go to shelves worldwide.
Best Video Game PR Agencies
Choosing the right PR agency to create significant connections with your audience is not an easy task. The success of your PR communications and, ultimately, the number of players accessing your game may depend on this choice. Let’s take a look at some of the best PR agencies in the world.

GamerSEO is a marketing and PR agency with huge expertise in video games. GamerSEO knows the nature of gaming and boosts the strong points of your game through an intense PR strategy.
GamerSEO addresses all the edges of the question. This agency goes towards communities, social media, producers, and publishers and builds the best relationships for your brand.
You can contact GamerSEO through its contact form. Also, you can access it by creating an account. Sign to see all its products and services. Soon your studio will be known for most gamers beyond your niche and regular clients.
Big Games Machine

Big Games Machine addresses both B2B and consumer audiences in a global reach. They are experts in delivering campaigns for clients around the world with a complete set of useful tools. Their team helps you share your voice, build trust in your brand and provide basic media training. Besides, they drive buzz to cross-promotion across PC, mobile, and console by creating coverage of all the edges.
Game Marketing Genie

In a few words, Game Marketing Genie is a digital marketing agency that brings marketing solutions and services that help your brand gain users from scratch. It is a good platform for PR and influencer marketing when you need to promote your video games.
Beyond this, the company has specialists in digital advertising, content management, UX design, and, of course, PR communications. A consultation is always something recommendable.
PR is a fundamental department in any gaming studio. How can you even join and match new players if you don’t establish a close relationship with them?
Build a good and trustable PR department or hire a professional agency that can mage your PR campaign and has a great passion for its work. The agency will pay attention to your flaws, take control of your vision, and grow your brand like never before.
If you’re interested in reading another article related to this topic, we recommend you to visit How Does SEO Help Your Business Grow.
What Is PR Gaming?
PR gaming is the background and links that your gaming studio creates with different agents involved in the process, i.e. producers, publishers, journalists, platforms, gamers, etc. In PR, you search for the best-managed opportunities to get the most users when you launch your game.
What Are Examples of PR Activities?
- Media relations;
- Advertorials;
- Taking care of social media and publications;
- Creating and send newsletters;
- Creating circumstances to schedule any meeting;
- Checking for any review;
- Building brochures and catalogs;
- Business events;
- Sponsorships or partnerships;
- Community relations.
- Crisis management.
- Interviews and reach journalists.
- Conduct research.
- Communicating release date;
- Promoting stories and talking with interested ones.
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SEO enthusiast and digital marketing strategist. My expertise lies in optimizing websites for organic traffic growth and search engine visibility. I carry out, among others, SEO tests, keyword research and analytical activities using Google Analytics. Privately, he is a lover of mountains and bicycle trips.
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