How To Build an NFT Community – 4 Inspiring Tips To Learn 

how to build an nft community

NFTs, or non-exchangeable tokens, have become a hot topic recently. People are scratching their heads seeing prices for digital artwork, memes, virtual clothing, or avatars. Who is buying these things? What for? There are many reasons, not the least of which are marketing ones. Since you’re looking for information about creating your own NFT community, … Read more

NFT Marketing: Strategies To Successfully Launch Your NFT Project

nft marketing

If there’s something that NFT creators must learn, it is to create a good NFT promotion for their project through NFT marketing strategies. The thing is that planning a digital marketing strategy that attracts NFT enthusiasts to your project is not an easy task. Making market research, finding your target audience, creating social media platforms, … Read more

19 Best Startup Conferences for 2022

best conferences for marketers

Entrepreneurs know that running a business is a never-ending learning experience. It’s a long way of finding the right connections and learning from their top business leaders, which is why startup conferences are so popular nowadays. Younger entrepreneurs face a problem: Where to get money to fund their goals? This is why startup conferences exist. … Read more

8 Most Effective Video Game Promotion Ideas You Should Try

video game promotion

In 2020, the video game industry became a bigger moneymaker than the global movie and North American sports industries combined. The video game industry has skyrocketed in recent years because of various ways to play video games. And as developers are constantly launching new titles, video game marketers have to deal with ever-growing competition.  However, … Read more

Influencer Marketing Case Study

influencer marketing case studies

If you have been paying attention to how influencer marketing has evolved over the past few years, you may have noticed the results it can bring to your business. The thing is there’s not much you can learn if you only read about it without seeing real-life influencer marketing examples. You’d be surprised about what … Read more

AI Influencer – Know everything about virtual influencers marketing

ai influencers

Artificial Intelligence is part of our society, and it’s a no-brainer. Being present in virtually all technologies–your smartphone,  smart TV, home appliances, laptop, software, and social media –it settles down in our lives rent-free.  Not even with the most futuristic films do we think that this phenomenon would grow to such an extent. Algorithms and … Read more