Video Game PR [5 Tips and Agencies You Must Consider]

When you hear about video games, you think of game developers, creators, directors, millions of players, gameplay, etc. But video games are more than that. This industry involves public relations as well, an exciting part that has equal value.  PR professionals are a relevant part of the team inside any gaming studio. These experts are … Read more

Game Promotion on Twitch [The Ultimate Guide]

game marketing on twitch

Game promotion is a challenge, either on Youtube, Twitter, or other platforms. Each of these has its pros and cons, and to leverage each of them is a crucial move that every developer or channel owner should make. Twitch is a relatively new streaming platform used for gamers to promote different games or their own … Read more

The 28 Best Developer Conferences You Cannot Miss

The online conference is expected to be one of the best improvements for the events. It would be a place online to discuss and share knowledge.

These past two years have been a rollercoaster for all kinds of matters. So now that the world is recovering, staying up-to-date with the latest conferences is crucial. This is one of the fastest and enjoyable ways to learn something and find a new aim for your projects. Developer conferences are something that you can’t … Read more

Gamification Strategy – A Smart, Effective & Winning Strategy!

gamification strategy

Imagine what would happen if you managed to implement game elements into your business. According to numerous examples, implementing game design elements in non-gaming activities stimulates collaboration, makes everyday tasks more fun, and improves the user experience. Digital businesses all over the world are already implementing their own gamification strategy to keep users engaged while … Read more