Why Do People Buy NFTs? Learn All Pros and Cons Behind Them

why do people buy nfts

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, there’s no way you haven’t heard of cryptocurrencies. A decentralized digital currency took the stock currency market by storm and attracted countless investors. However, the crypto market didn’t stop just there. Back in 2017, The Crypto Punks collection saw the light of day. Those digital images are currently … Read more

Are NFT Avatars Worth The Hype Around Them?

Are NFT Avatars Worth The Hype Around Them

Apes, aliens, humanoid species, cool cats, and whatever you can imagine – nothing can surprise you when looking at NFT avatars. The avatar concept is nearly as old as the internet, but NFT space heavily relies on them. You’ve probably stumbled upon many NFT avatar projects and noticed they are sold for astronomical sums. Of … Read more

How to Use SEO for NFT Marketing

use seo for nft marketing

There is no doubt that the NFT world is growing faster every day. That said, the number of NFT projects being published also skyrocketed. In consequence, it’s becoming harder and harder to make your NFT project shine among tons of others. You must have good digital marketing for your NFT creations to be a successful … Read more

The Different Types of Gamer Persona

gamer persona

For many years, the segmentation of types of gamers stood between “hardcore” and “casuals.” The first one is the ones that lived the “past golden age” of gaming with their very hands and eyes. Meanwhile, casual gamers were the ones that had fun once in a while, or they just played a few popular titles, … Read more