How to Write Good Product Description [11 Little-Known Tips]

how to write good product description

Becoming successful by selling products on a marketplace or any website depends on many factors, such as the quality of the images, the interface, and product descriptions.   Effective product descriptions can result in effective sales. Regarding this, 87% of consumers rate product content extremely or very important when deciding to buy. Product descriptions give a … Read more

What Is a Sales Funnel, and How Does It Work?

what is a sales funnel

Missing a sale is something that every business owner knows well. It would even be insane to expect a 100% turn of marketing leads into conversions.  Although these things happen, they could happen less often.  According to a MarketingSherpa survey, 79% of marketing leads are never converted into paying customers.   The same study shows that … Read more

Types of Search Intent: Understand the Needs of Web Users

types of search intents

On average, Google handles 3.8 million searches per minute. That’s 5.6 billion searches per day.  When we had searched for those numbers, Google provided us with about 205,000,000 results in 1.27 seconds. Some of them were highly informative, whereas others failed to give us what we wanted. Those that managed to satisfy our needs have … Read more

Advergaming Examples – How Games can give you Sales?

advergaming examples

As numerous studies show, customers are tired of traditional advertising.  Therefore, marketers are looking for other ways to convince people to their products. Being aware of the rapid development of the gaming industry, well-known brands willingly partner with gaming companies.   How do successful brands promote their products through games? To explain this phenomenon and point … Read more

5 Inspiring Marketing Success Stories That’ll Change Your Brand

marketing success stories

How often do you see headlines like “This 25-year-old is now a billionaire, after he…”? A few years back, such people were a phenomenon. However, today brands that achieve enormous success are often anonymous to the general public. If you asked your parents what “Blizzard” is, they probably wouldn’t have a clue, right? This happens … Read more